Aleena Razzaq
3 min readApr 10, 2021


Green and Clean Pakistan:

It is painfully clear that climate change is already having an

effect on human rights. And that this effect will only grow in the

coming years.


The rate of deforestation in Pakistan has been sharply accelerated and the World Wide Fund Report warns that if the current pattern of deforestation is not controlled, the country will not be able to fulfill its international commitments under the MDGs to raise its forest cover from 2.5 per cent to 6 per cent by 2015 68 per cent. Pakistan is a case in point, as it lies at the geographical crossroads of melting glaciers, unpredictably changing monsoons and intensified disaster activity caused by climate change. Despite Pakistan’s diminutive contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions, we are the fifth most

climate-impacted nation in the world, according to the Germanwatch Global Climate Risk Index, 2020.

My Government remains completely committed to playing a

leading role in tackling climate change and moving towards a

“clean and green” Pakistan through a well-articulated climate

change agenda consisting of a range of flagship initiatives on the


Prime Minister Imran Khan calls climate change a “defining

global challenge” of our time.

What can we do?

My theory is that I will start growing plants and Trees. Trees and

plants are one of the key reasons that mankind has come into

being. The value of planting trees has been stressed time and

time again. This is because of the many benefits they provide.

They’re making the planet a better place to live in. They exhale

oxygen and inhale carbon dioxide to maintain the ecological

balance of the system. They also consume all the toxic gasses and

give us fresh air to breathe. Trees are constructing a sheet to

shield us from harmful ultraviolet rays. Indoor plants increase

focus and efficiency (by up to 15%!), minimize stress levels and

raise our mood. Trees help in controlling water pollution and

preventing soil erosion. Trees minimize urban runoff and

flooding by storing water and breaking down rainfall. The USDA

estimates that 100 mature trees will minimize runoff due to

rainfall by up to 100,000 gallons! Trees also absorb noise and

minimize noise emissions. This is particularly important for

people living along the freeways.

Faisalabad is known as the textile hub of Pakistan, there are

many factories and industries. which are the main cause of

pollution in this era.

The Goal is to grow plants in this area , as I am also living in Faisalabad. I will just take initiative from my house and Workplace.

